Tuesday 8 May 2012


Described as psychological thriller with Charlotte Rampling Lemming has much more to commend it although  there are  lots of unanswered questions and the main charge of pretentiousness,

The Hero (Alain Getty) accepts a new position  as a Home Automation Engineer when devised a flying security camera which can be directed from an external computer. His new  boss  invites himself to dinner with his wife(Rampling) after a successful demonstration of the device. The couple arrive very late and engage is an abuse row with Rampling insulting her husband, accusing him of adultery and then their host for being conventional uninteresting and living in an awful  small modern home.

Alain then discovers a lemming dislodged in the S bend of the kitchen sink, hence the film title. This excites the specialist  the wife consults because lemmings are unknown in France.  The creature is smuggled back from Scandinavia by the child of a neighbour and I admit I still do not understand  the significance of this to the rest of the story which is about the nature of reality and how individual perceptions can be coloured by their internal forces.

In this instance Rampling invites herself  back to their home where she commits suicide after seducing the husband.  The wife is seduced by employer and goes to live with him after the couple  have an idyllic break at the isolated great view  holiday home of the boss and his wife. Husband and wife get back together as the mystery of the Lemming is solved. Was I interested? Did I care? No.  but Charlotte Rampling had my attention as she always does in

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