Wednesday 29 February 2012

Oscars 13

I decided against staying up to watch the Oscar ceremony live in the early hours of last Monday morning and instead rose around five as the telecast was ending and fast tracked through the recording to the bits which most interested, cutting out the inane Sky studio team who performance was among the worst of all those inane studio teams of previous years. I avoided the red carpet interviews which some find entertaining although the frocks appear only a more expensive cut than those worn in the better class of brothel and presumably intended to attract the attention of the present and future film contract. Its show business folks, or as Ethel Merman sang, There’s no business like show business.

I was pleased with outcome in that the awful but much hyped Tinker Tailor with Gary Oldman in for best male actor czme nowhere as at he Baftas and Meryil Streep deservedly gained her third Oscar for the performance as Mrs Thatcher. One hostile critic argued that this was a mimic performance which indicates his ignorance or dubious bias or both. She paid due credit to make up who also got an award.

As also forecast the Artist got Best Picture, Best Direction and Best male artist plus two others, five of the ten nominations and although I have stubbornly refused to view the film in theatre, I look forward to the televised production in a year’s time. Similarly I will view the Help which gained the best supporting as at the Baftas together with the Descendents where George Clooney has been much praised and Brad Pitt for Moneyball about baseball which I have never taken to although made several efforts, The Woody Allen film Midnight in Paris and Hugo are also on the list and perhaps Warhorse and Extremely Loud and Incredibility Clear.

Apparently despite the hundreds of millions reported to be viewing the event world wide the USA audience finished last year to just above the Emmy’s at around 40 million so for this season every effort was made to make the show more attractive and hold viewers. There were several innovations with instead of photographs and excerpts for In Memoriam were simple cards although departing members of academy were given more attention. There appeared to be fewer movie snap shots ands these were grouped with the awards. There was tribute to the history of film and to three previous recipients previously unable to be present who sat together in a side box.

The nice award of the evening went to Christopher Plummer who beat Max Von Sydow (who got the Bafta) for best supporting actor in a male role and who commented that there was only a couple of years between him and the years of the Oscars with both in their 80’s. Max is only a year or to younger and the two men have over 150 years of life experience. Three cheers for the oldies.

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