Sunday, 14 November 2010

A mighty Heart

I am a believer that when something appears to be an amazing coincidence.

Thursday became another unexpected emotional day and also confirmed the need to use plans and intentions as only a loose framework, changing completing or making adjustment according to circumstance. It is something which becomes more important with age and awareness that there might be no tomorrow for oneself, During the course of Thursday November 20th I discovered more of the life of Daniel Pearl, an existing My Space Friend from earlier during the years and where I failed to acknowledge this year's events during the month aside to mark his life.

On Wednesday, as has been the situation several times over the past weeks, I became very tired quite early on, reacting badly to my condition, resentful that I did not possess the clarity and energy to engage in anything for any length of time. I watched films and TV, I played games against the computer, I commenced some boring but essential activity recreating lost data, and worked on the updating MySpace friends data and I wrote a little. I eat more than I needed to. Had I felt different I could have stayed up because my second dental appointment was for 2.30 but tired and discontented and therein is the clue to what transpired, I went to bed early, having found myself going off to sleep at the desk.

However once in bed I found myself wrestling with ideas about how I would be able to present my work if sufficient funds became available, and was torn between various options, although unattainable and frustrated myself more because I hate using time on the unlikely, unless it is part of the process in which to try and forecast unintended consequences of something considered important and where it is essential to try and eliminate negative outcome, or at least where the outcomes are overwhelmingly positive.

I had become engaged in this activity on finding that my former home of thirty years was on the market . So much has been spent transforming the building into a stylish family home that it would be wrong to alter the house again and quite apart from its unsuitability in terms of immediate location unless the adjacent property also became available. The property on the other side a small hotel with the addition of four ensuite bedrooms in a ground floor annexe would be better much better as the property is already divided into two with separate energy and heating systems and with two staircases but no lift. The two together, would be even better. However both buildings lack the internal space. There is one of the more expensive houses on the market at the present time available for a significantly greater figure within three miles of where I live, marginally closer to where I used to live and where I now live. And then there is the attraction of acquiring an entirely different kind of space, a commercial space and recreating my home within that space and where there is what appears to be an ideal property in the centre of town, in the most appropriate of locations on the market now.

All these options would be governed by the need to continue creating the project for a number of years and therefore having the time and privacy to do so and the inherent belief that the work should be online and interactive and therefore its presentation would involve an expanding internet site integrated into the private work area and public direct experience, and with the integrated technology of sound, light and vision and on going access to those who could ensure that the project is available 24/7.

There has always been a three level space required because of having had a three level home and a three or four level space would be more cost effective than a two or single level area. Obviously the closer I am to realising the ideal concept the greater the costs in ensuring the maximum engagement of anyone visiting directly and the security of the components. I have been greatly influenced by the colour always Christmassy impact of the original Saatchi Gallery and Tate Modern, by my visit to the Naval exhibitions at Portsmouth, to places such as William Wordsworth and the Bronte sisters and to the interactive museums locally at South Shields and Sunderland as well as the Baltic.

Ground with reception, shop, and my ongoing work area viewable through glass and private living area and storage. First and second floor public display living area with individual rooms dedicated to aspects of the life, the family history, the life records the cultural recreational social and political interests, with in each area the mixed of creative and confidential and events plus some development if the development work is not presented separately. Everywhere there will be screens both within the rooms and for public access to view the content of the rooms.

And the cost, well that has both been investigated in terms of initial capital, the transformation coasts and the on going staffing and management and running costs, during my lifetime and more importantly afterwards.

£1.5- £2.5 million would provide the first level of option either the former home or the adjacent hotel both on the market or a combination of the two and also cover family and other priorities, with £2.5 to £5 substantially going to towards realising the concept in commercial premises and around £10 being able to do so, as close to what is in my head with a continuation fund after my departure. The extent of capital expenditure to be balanced by the costing of ongoing staffing and management. I have not dared to start working out detailed plans and costing before because it was so unlikely I would acquire the funds although I had intended to do the working out once I was beyond the half way stage as part of the project.

It will not therefore surprise that having gone to bed in a slumberous state, I became wide awake and came down around 2 am for a hot milk drink and toast wanting to return as soon as possible but found myself working, awake and engaged, eating a tin of cold rice pudding before returning to bed around six.

I did some good work and also watched a film originally a play Seagulls over Sorrento although released in the USA as on the Crest of a Wave. This is storybook film combining the development of a new submarine Torpedo at an island rock base off the coast of Scotland nickname Sorrento and the interaction between half a dozen UK and U S naval personnel and their officers and a stock sergeant character. Gene Kelly in a serious role as a scientific expert brought in to solve a problem which has taken the life of the previous scientific head of project.

I was awoken by the phone to advise that the dental appointment was being put back a week. I had only three hours sleep but knew I would not return to sleep so got up enjoyed more toast and tea and set to work making good progress. Then the coincidence. Around midday I switched on the TV for Parliament live to listen to the business of the next week before the short break before the Queens speech to the new Parliament, in order to find out when the Autumn budget statement would be made with the expected announcement of tax reductions, perhaps in VAT rather than income. We shall see but it a good month with the reduction of income tax from the 10% abolition, the £250 winter fuel allowance and some further give away promised.

The session provides the opportunity of the opportunity for back bench members of the Commons to raise subjects with the leader of the House where often there is no prospect of Government business managers making time but the subject is given some attention in the House, by government Ministers and perhaps the media.

One subject was the increasing number of journalists who have been murdered often by governments or imprisoned because of their work to establish the truth or just to ensure in conflicts that all view points are presented Leader of the House Harriet Harman appeared sympathetic suggesting that the subject might form part of a debate on Human Rights.

Within half an hour the post has arrived. I returned in the Valley of Elah on Monday and usually I would have received the next DVD the following day but with no announcement that the disk had been received on Weds I became anxious and sent an email, advising and late in the day I was advised that I was being sent A mighty Heart. It was only with the introduction that I remembered this was the film of the life of Daniel Pearl and decided to immediately watch.

Daniel Pearl was a journalist born at Princeton New Jersey and Los Angeles where his father was/is a Professor at UCLA. However the first clue to why Daniel was to become a target for the highest placed official in Al-Qaida is that his father was born in Tel Aviv Palestine three years before my own coming, and who then moved to the US to continue his studies becoming a major figure in the world of computer science, Artificial Intelligence, Causality and Bayesian Networks. His married Ruth who had an Iraqi Jewish background.

Daniel's interest was in journalism from his early days at Stanford University co founding a student newspaper the Stanford Commentator in the mid 1980's, He made a World trip to the then Soviet Union China and Europe, during a period where he established himself as a journalist in various positions in California, before joining the Wall Street Journal first in Atlanta 1990, then Washington 1993 and then London 1996.

Somewhere in his life Daniel developed an understanding of the way governments, ideologies and their organisations worked so that in Kosovo he discovered that one alleged genocide was unsubstantiated, and that the USA led missile attack on the supposed military facility in Khartoum was a pharmaceutical factory. The search for factual truth, the reality of humans can do as well as his belief and commitment to the basic good within everyone was also demonstrated by his willingness to listen to everyone's viewpoint and ten ability to communicate through music is language created an obstacles taking his violin and joining bin with local musicians at every opportunity.

He married Mariane Van Neyenhoff, a Buddhist member of Soka Gakkai International in 1999 after they met in Paris. Mariane was born and raised in Paris of a Dutch Jewish father and an Afro Chinese Cuban mother. These facts are mentioned because the couple were truly citizens of a the new world order and perhaps explained why Daniel became the chief target of a top level organised kidnap plot while investigating the case of the shoe bomber Richard Reid. Mariane is a journalist who worked from India for a time during which Daniel had become the South Asia Bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal.

It is unfortunate that that although Angelina Jolie is excellent as Marianne in the film that a mixed race actor could not have been selected for the role. The film, which concentrates on Mariane and her unborn child and the efforts to recover Daniel once the kidnap was established is more effective than attempting to reconstruct what happened to Daniel during his period of captivity before he was beheaded on camera. It is understood that a film on this aspect is also in the making.

An ad hoc specially created group calling itself the movement for the restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty was the cover for the kidnap and seeking publicity a terrorist act to bring fear to journalists not sympathetic to their cause and who were beginning to understand the extent of the collusion by the Pakistan military controlled government with Al- Qaida aims and methods. His body was found in ten pieces to emphasise the nature of the intent of such people and the need for British and USA governments to undertake their extermination as quickly and effectively as possible as well destroying the funding and other support net works within Muslim populations in general. This is the short term necessity while working to address the reasons why poor and simple people are manipulated into supporting terrorism. From what I have read so far Daniel himself would never express the issues as bluntly and one sidled as I have done

Those directly involved in the kidnap plot, including the man who arranged the kidnapping were apprehended and sentenced to 25 years with the latter to death, which remains the subject of appeal. He is a British born subject Ahmad Omar Saed In 2007, five years after the death Khalid Sheikh Mohammed then at Guantanamo confessed to the actual beheading and is reported to have been the third in command under Bin Laden and who according to the former President of Pakistan had previously been an MI6 agent who was converted by the other side.

Since the death there has been a number of investigations attempting to establish what actually happened and why. Bernard Henri Levy, himself a Jew, spent a year investigating and does not accept that that Daniel was murdered because he was an American and a Jew, but because he was close to getting evidence of the involvement of the Pakistani equivalent of the CIA in supporting Al Qaida and who also enabled Pakistani nuclear scientists to provide North Korea with important dangerous information.

The likes of you and me through the media, and one suspects most politicians in the UK and US are never likely to know the truth about why Daniel was selected and his kidnap planned or whether there was any intention to release him. Given the reconciliation approach of his parents and widow those of us not directly involved in the war need to reach out to those of different races, cultures, languages and beliefs, reinforcing common morality and values and sharing in the joy of all forms of music and voice. Part of me shares in this mission but alas it is only part.

The role of the journalists must be different. It is important that some remain committed to truth seeking, regardless how unpalatable it is to governments although some discretion is always required in terms of timing and extent because of the potential damage to ongoing state operations and official unofficial communications between enemies. Such journalists must accept potential martyrdom no different form the parents, partners and children must accept that those in the armed forces may die prematurely in conflicts, or collateral fire or accidents associated with the occupation. This does not make it any easier bear.

As with any army there are more backroom people proportion to those in the front line and therefore majority of journalists will concentrate on the welfare of their families and themselves. It is also desirable that the majority of journalists support the international activities of their government even if this involves selective and biased presentations

The role of Parliaments, of Governments and the intelligence and armed services is very different. I continue to alienate would be friends by saying that I believe the intervention of the USA and the UK in Iraq was right based on the situation as it was and the information that was available, just as it is right now, I and believe that President Elect Obama will follow thorough his pre election speeches with appropriate action and concentrate on fighting the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan, on eliminating their funding and support sources, on directly intervening to ensure governments in those countries who understand what they have to and do it. It is what governments, the armed services and the intelligence gathering and secret service operations are for and must take precedence over all other aspects of government.

Unlike the body of Eli Cohen, our man in Damascus, that of Daniel Pearl was returned to him his parental family. Oh the grief of parents whose children die before them. If I find he grief of others difficult to bear then how do they.

Mariane returned to France. It is her memoir A mighty Heart which was used for this film. Their son Adam was born three months after the death of his father in 2002

Listening a special composition by Gus Ruchman for Daniel Pearl for Violin.

I need to go out to the Bank, to clear the three remaining hanging baskets of frozen flowerings for Spring bulbs and return to other work over the day while continuing to listen to other recordings from

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