Saturday, 15 September 2012

Nim's Island ( last part)

On return from trip I needed to relax on the settee and the Athletics from Gateshead Newcastle over I watched the final part of Nim’s Island. Nim is the daughter of an environmental scientist who has made their home on an isolated Pacific Island not disclosed to the wider World. When father does not get back from a short trip to get supplies, his daughter fearing the worst contacts the author of an adventurer stories that is in fact female and played by the Jodi Foster. On impulse she set out to visit the girl having been given only Latitude and Longitude readings. She is taken by boat to an island and their by a helicopter and the helicopter is forced by atrocious weather to put down on a cruise ship.

The ship has been to the dessert island for a kind of Family 20’s holiday day where they leave early because of the efforts of Nim to discourage strangers visiting. However a young lad with obnoxious doubting parents ignore shis assertion about a girl being on the island but he contacts Jodi and on the strength of his word she takes to a Life Boat and heads for the Island in a fierce storm. Just as she capsizes Nim thinking it is the return of her father goes out with her pet Seal and rescues her, then expressing disappointment when she finds the author is not the adventuring hero she anticipated. The two become friends after the girl admits the likelihood that her father has died. However at this point he is spotted making his way in the remains of his boat and the two are reunited. He then discovers the arrival of Foster and the girl in a voice over indicates her pleasure in that the she looks as if she going to have a mother again as well as a father

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