Monday, 23 November 2009

The Devil wears Prada and They made me a Fugitive

12.00 Decide to have the first of the M and S Seafood salads and discover that it is on a bed of spaghetti with spicy tomato sauce. Stick to portion size with two slices of Brown bread with Flora proactive cholesterol lowering spread. Play game of chess at same time to reduced speed of eating and improving chewing.

12.10 This works but only to a degree as in taking time on food and paying attention on what I am eating, I fail to concentrate on the chess and have another draw. Things on my mind, but not trouble remembering the Ottilie Patterson Chris Barber number.

12.30 Lunch break over, win a couple of games of quick chess 384 of 391 in this series now nearly two weeks in the going. Commence set 2 vol one but will also watch Bargain Hunt, final part after a banana.

13.45 Steady progress with Vol 1 set 2 completed 19621 19622 started but is incomplete for income tax return and associated info this year and next. 19623 kept blank and commence 19624. Decide to watch 1947 film noir British Film They made me a Fugitive instead of Carmen Jones which was re-seen last year.

15.55 washed shaved and ready to go out later for a walk and buy some bread and fruit and to the post box.

I have completed the volume 1 of Annual master household records in so far as I leaving sections for ongoing information over the rest of this year and next. The activity took longer because of also watching the film which starred Trevor Howard, a most excellent actor, who plays the former airforce World War 2 fighter and a POW for the last two of its five years and then on demob could not find a situation and became involved in the black-market, but then was caught up with a gang whose leader turned to drug pushing so that when Trevor refuses to participate he is framed for the death of a policeman and commences to serve 15 years for manslaughter with the one burning ambition to escape and obtain revenge. During his escape he breaks into the house of a married woman who offers him shelter if he kills her drunk of a husband which he refuses but leaves his prints on her gun so she carries out the murder and blames the escaped convict. He also has to rough up the driver of a lorry in order to make his way to London. It is here he meets again a chorus girl who had a fling with the gang boss who framed Trevor but he then looked elsewhere so she visit Trevor in prison to join forces on getting revenge by persuading the man who carried out the act of manslaughter under direction of the gang leader to turn King’s evidence. While Trevor rejects her plan on this visit he turns to her for information and help when on the run and they develop a romantic attachment which he understands has no future. Although by the end of the film the gang leader is dead and his men captured, and alas also dead the one witness who could help obtain a pardon for the original conviction, although by helping the police as a snare, Trevor has earned Brownie points re the escape, vehicle theft and assault, The detective already has reservations that he was responsible for the killing of the drunken husband. However although the police give some hope of a pardon if the case with evidence can be presented, they and Trevor are not optimistic and he advises he girl to forget all about him and move on. Present and recent generations have no idea about the extent of the black-market during World War 2 and its continuation until after food, clothing and petrol rationing ended. Although the government learnt some of the lessons of World War 1 and did not immediately discharge all those who had been called up without any hope employment and housing and did so over a couple of years, may have been longer for some, thus those not discharged were still on the payroll and did useful work with those single living in barracks, many found getting a job difficult to impossible and adjusting to civilian life after the adventures of the war, the travel, the witness of its horrors and to captivity. You were a man and you were expected to cope without the support structure of today and which is itself often criticised. This films had one aim which is to warn the men and their families that continued involvement in the Black-market was wrong in itself but also was dangerous because of the situations you could quickly find yourself in. Given that Trevor had served his country and if his involvement had only been with the Black-market it is unlikely the frame would have stood the judicial system had it happened in reality. While the villains, the street walkers and the low life haunts were of 1940’s mode and therefore somewhat caricatures, with Trevor Howard and others such as Maurice Denham, the film is slightly better than the average B feature of the time.

16.30 two slices of Leerdammer on one slice of toast followed by cup of tea, couple of games of chess before going out.

17.00 It is not as cold as anticipated but glad it is only to the post box and the supermarket. I tried the do it yourself check out for second time at the Asda, discovering that it also weighs and price The art is to do things quickly and place in the provided carriers. Sorting out into rucksack slows down sufficiently to mess up the system or so it seems. One gets the price of things on screen as they pass through. I will get better. Buy last two Leerdammer packs at £1 each which is 30% discount, Bread £1 one of the cheapest Brown but looks good quality, Some shell on prawns, grapes, bananas and a beef stir fry and goodbye a tenner, Have the rest of the salmon Italian tonight, Omelette tomorrow, Singapore noodles Thursday Bream Friday Stir Fry Sat the MS Lamb Sun, Chicken Monday. There are also Salmon Fish cakes and some vegetarian type burgers/ more like fish cakes and some other fish available so ok with main courses, vegetables but will need more salad and fruit before Tuesday. I’ll do shop over the weekend

18.00 return and have cup of tea, check TV evening, and emails. Decide to have on as background a Movies for Men piece of nonsense Airboss 3 where anti Terrorists replace the cold war baddies. Not in mood for second volume of Annual accounts Master, but will make the effort later,.

19.00 decide to do the Salmon, Orange fruit juice drink ?, do the fresh pineapple. Vegetables. The film has an interesting twist as it is an FBI operation to capture a required individual for rendition from foreign soil and is not Military special ops which could be regarded as a war like act. I wonder if the subjects and he countries concerned appreciate such fine distinctions.

20.45 The main film choice of the day is The Devil Wears Prada the kind of DVD which includes adverts for Sky HD, I was tempted to leave this film and Borat for the weekend but I will have a day off and watch three Lord of the Rings DVD’s extended version in one day followed by all the extras.

22.30 The film was significantly better than anticipated although I had to wrestle justifiable prejudice to reach this conclusion. The puritan and fundamentalist within me ranks the fashion industry along with motor racing, contemporary professional football, the popular music industry, and Hollywood as activities which are only justified if we lived in a world where the is no war, starvation, involuntary homelessness, racism, collective violence against others and individuals, gross inequality in education, cultural, social and economic experiences and status and the collective behaviour of human beings is not threatening the premature survival of the planet as a habitation for future human being. Anything which does not have these objectives as its primary purpose is immoral and it is interesting that recently it was alleged in one newspaper, echoed in others that at a high level Catholic event it was suggested that the 6th century mortal sins of lust, gluttony, avarice, anger, sloth, envy and pride (matched by holy virtues of chastity, abstinence temperance, diligence, patience, kindness and humility) should be updated to include genetic manipulation in human beings, the excessive accumulation of wealth together with causing social and economic inequality, environmental pollution and drug misuse, the violation of the fundamental rights of human nature and morally debatable experiments in general. This is not an argument for or against capitalism as such but against its distortions in the same way that because of the behaviour of some Muslims or Christians one should not argue that the Muslin and Christian faiths are fundamentally flawed. It is always easy to poke fun at those who take their work so seriously and become so absorbed that they rarely switch off and become boring even to others within the same industry or profession. This is something which the film does not do and when the new second assistant (to the woman who not only runs the most important fashion magazine in the world but whose words can make or break anyone working in the industry world wide), laughs at the absurdity of debating which of two similar coloured and looking belt are appropriate to go with a particular dress, she is explained how anything and everything we wear is dictated by such magazines and individuals, however bargain basement and out of fashion the garment has become, or inferior its quality of material and production. Similarly Meryl Streep, as the head of the enterprise, is first presented as a bullying, blackmailing, ruthless, egotistical, rude and insensitive anachronism, and she is all of these things, but she is also more. The film makes the point that along the journey she choose to get and remain at the top and to develop a way of life to maintain that position, she becomes more and more alone, loses husbands and buys the affection of her children by getting them prepublication copies of the latest Harry Potter. However while she and her magazine provide the behind the scenes reality look into the world of the fashion magazine this is no more than the frothy backcloth to a more traditional growing up first timer working in New York film The main character takes on the job as second assistant in order to pay the bills and as a stepping stone to a job in journalism about issues that really matter. Gradually under the challenge of winning the approval of her boss she becomes seduced by clothes, the make up, the society and by one its favourite sons, losing her long standing friends and live with boyfriend. Then when she receive the ultimate seal of approval, "I see in you what was in me when I was your age, she walks away back to her friends and her true career and no doubt in a generation she will become exactly like the woman she walked away from, becoming the editor of a national newspaper, for such is the nature of such positions in whatever field of enterprise is your medicine and your tipple. The film has no big message other than be true to your self and your dreams, but for those of us in the know of the way world works and how people change over the generations we see her as just not being ready to take up the torch of individualism and leadership, and needs to feel herself to be the dutiful daughter, romantic and faithful lover, with it modern mummy, and successful journalist praised by her peers before moving on to help in running her country and the world. I had one irritation at the film’s assumption that New York is the capital of the world, let alone the fashion world, although this is not to underrate its importance, But just as with Rome, London and Paris, it can seem to be if you have the wealth and social contacts, a good cultural education to appreciate what life can be.
00.05. With the longer sleep and late start I am not ready for bed yet, but uncertain what I will do. I have watched some of extras on the DVD and decided to continue with some chess for a while. I nearly forgot to mention how wonderful it was to have a film open with the familiar from childhood Twentieth Century Fox just as the J Arthur Rank gong, RKO Tower and Warner Brothers launched so many wonderful experiences which have become wonderful memories.

01.30 Some chess and some correspondence and a raw tomato but I may need another in bread if I am to go to bed and sleep comfortable. I resist well done.

02.00 I always go through my Spam file before deleting because occasionally something important slips by as in this instance when a response in Spanish to my request for any info about my Spanish Great Grandmother. Alas it confirms that because of the Civil war 1936-1939 records going back were destroyed. I will have another go in due course whether there is any record of cave like dwellings which my care mother said my Great Grandmother mother inhabited when she visited her, having to travel by donkey to get up the mountainside.

02.10 I go to bed having won 400 of the 407 level one chess games played in this cycle of two weeks

03.21 The first waking when I had forgotten how late I had gone to bed.

05.30 This was a better period of sleep

06.10. It felt like an instant when I woke again and needed to rise.

08.50 I needed this further sleep which ended with lots of dreaming about achieving perfection.

09.15.I play a little chess before working until midday to observe the last democratic political process before Easter. The sky is blue clear above me and feels warmer
09.35 I had the coffee with a kick last night Java Lava and found it enjoyable but need something milder now to get me going.

9.40 I begin work. Hooray. It is not that I do not want to. I am eager, driven, but I am not mechanical. This is important to remember. As I find the confidential cards file I decided to bring the computer clock in line with the mantel clock in this room but postpone those in the other rooms which are all showing a different time within 15 minutes.

09.45 Go to documents, go to Signature cards 2007m go to confidentials, go to file 19601 19700 go to file 19721 19739 and raise card 19627. Update the card to 19628, the volume from 1 to 2, the individual card run from 471049 to 471072 and the artman glitter card to 107501 set 4480 and the signature card to 107502 and I forget the to change the date but do so on the next card which I would other wise left until indexes the 24 individual cards of the set. First I take the printed card to a small table on which there is a raffia matt. It is coloured red but this is incidental. I decided on a blue and orange crayon wash. This is achieved by rubbing the crayons sideways lightly over its surface on top of the raffia mat . I forgot to mention that the heading of these cards is TheRecord andtheWitness to remind of the dyslexic aspect of my work and of me. I will sign when the cards have been listed although I do not list usually but photograph later as single cards and double cards.

10.30 Signature card signed and list of cards attached with appropriate withholds. 19628

001 Copy my Birthday certificate dated 26.09. 1957 photocopy

002 as above

003 Copy my Birthday certificate dated 9.2.1999 photocopy

004 As above

005 Copy certificate G C E O levels 4 subjects 1955 summer

006 Copy Certificate G C E Advance level one subject 1958

007 Copy Certificate Local Government Clerical Exam 1958

008 Copy Oxford University Certificate Diploma Public and Social Administration 1963 Ruskin College

009 Copy qualification certificate Central Training Council Child

Care Birmingham University 30.9.63 to 5.9.64

010 Copy University Birmingham course completion certificate.

011 Confidential

012 ..
013 ..
014 ..
015 ..
016 Copy Passport pages
017 Copy Passport details
018 Copy Build society book page
019 Copy Building society entry page
020 Copy Building Society page
021 Copy Henley course certificate 28 09.1984.
022 Copy Driving Licence showing no Endorsements
023 Copy of reverse of above
024 second copy see vol 1 MOT certificate until October 2008

10.40 set 19628 is the 7125 set completed bringing the total number of cards in the work to-date 17100. I go to laptop to see Emails. Two personal’s and of the others I like the one from the USA offering me a teaching degree and new career from my home. Another offered to help me through writing procrastination and bursting through the writer’s block. The New York Times Headline is that the Fed has cut rates again, after the need for the USA Treasurer to intervene with a good old fashioned socialist measure to save a bank and its system. Look briefly at the Baghdad Blog and what Barack has said. E Booker offers me hotels for 99p Staples have a 50% sale off their own brands this weekend only while stocks last so I must attend to this in a moment delaying actual work for work supplies. Tchibo offer kitchen supplies. Nectar points are changing their email address. Northern Stage remind of their current productions which includes Uncle Vanya and A Dolls House I know the Chekov and Ibsen too well to consider, but will take another look at the Doubtful Guest on a Winter’s night.

11.20 decide on early salad lunch with bread and watch the build up to Parliamentary Question Time. Will watch DVD this afternoon. Need to do second batch of 50 artman glitter cards after lunch and but also must complete three more work sets before the day is done and ideally one or two more. Get on with it lad.

11.55 Enjoyed salad lunch with the shell on prawns and two slices of brown bread, followed by a banana and will have a drink in a moment. The twp political issues of the day were the closure of sub post offices where in the last ten years just under half have been or are planned closure and where there can be little support for those which cater for only two or three customers a day, but other where there is commercial use as well as individual remains questionable. There is a belated proposal where local authorities are expressing an interest. It is difficult to square a number of reductions in services for economic and efficiency reasons, local police stations, local hospitals, local post offices, local primary schools, with the wish to sustain and develop a sense of local communities in the age of the motor car and the internet. The other subject was the peaceful protest by Ghurkhas about their right and those of their families to live and participate in the UK after their period of military service is completed. The present government to its credit has made two changes which has significantly improved the position, granting British rights after four years of service and also granting full rights to those who joined after the date at which the Headquarters of the regiment was moved to the UK. The question now is retrospection for those who retired from the service before 1997, especially those who are resident in the UK.

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