Sunday, 5 July 2009

Charlie Wilson's War

Yesterday afternoon 16th January, I went to the cinema for the first time in two months. The choice was Charlie Wilson's War because the subject was of interest, the US covert operation in Afghanistan and the man who arranged the required funding was by all accounts one of the creatives.

Charles, Charlie Nesbitt Wilson was born Trinity Texas in 1933. While a student at Dam Houston State University he was appointed to the United State Naval Academy serving for four years attaining the rank of lieutenant and joined the pentagon as part of an intelligence unit which evaluated soviet nuclear forces. His political interest commenced at 13 years when his pet dog was killed by his next door neighbour who put crushed glass in the animals food after he had got into the neighbours yard. The neighbour was he leading member of the town council and Wilson, holding a driving permit drove 96 African American voters to the poll with the consequence hat the neighbour was defeated by 16 votes. He did not become politically active until joining the John F Kennedy Presidential Campaign as a volunteer, In 1961 he was elected to as Texas State representative for his home district.

Wilson served on the Texas legislature for 12 years supporting several liberal causes such the regulation of the utilities, Medicaid, tax exemptions for the elderly, Equal Rights, minimum wages and pro choice re abortion. In 1972 he was elected to the US House of representatives and was subsequently re-elected 11 times, resigning in 1996.

Wilson became notorious for his private life best described as hedonistic and which he was always open about. He was something of a political maverick and adventurer deciding to support the corrupt dictator Somoza in Nicaragua and at one point attempted to organise 1000 force of ex CIA operatives to fight on behalf of the dictator but this broke down when the funds for the enterprise could not be raised and the dictator sexually assaulted his girl friend at the time. In 1980 Wilson was appointed to the small committee responsible for authorizing black "covert" CIA operations and touched by what was happened in Afghanistan after the Soviet intervention he was responsible for a doubling of the CIA budget from 5 to 10 million dollars to support the Mujahedeen. He then persuaded the committee chairman and other members to dramatically increase funding, especially for anti helicopter and ant tank weaponry which had been caused widespread casualties among the civilian population. He retired from Congress in 1999 although he continued to represent the interests of the Pakistan government having previously been a paid lobbyist on behalf of Israeli weapons manufacturers who it is alleged provided the soviet look alike weapons bought with US dollar for the Afghan forces who eventually forced the Russians to withdraw. He received a heart transplant last year and the film staring Tom Hanks is based on a biography published in 2003.

There are those who argue that the ten years unsuccessful fighting of the CIA backed Mujahedeen in Afghanistan directly led to the break up of the Soviet union and the film concludes with Wilson attempt to get his colleagues to support the reconstruction of the country which he feared would revert to the tribal war lords and criminal drug traffickers which is what happened.

From my research and the film it is possible to reach two conclusions with some confidence. The evidence is that Mr Wilson was individually responsible for the funding and provision of weapons to the Afghan people which led to the withdrawal of the Russians and that his work with the assistance of another individualist CIA member was recognised within the secret services and military. Secondly he was a hedonistic character, a man of the moment and therefore looking ahead at the potential implications of his actions was not one of his strengths. However the legacy of the USA intervention merits further consideration especially as it British young men who are now giving their lives in order to bring about the kind of stability which the USA failed by the continuing funding of the Mujahedeen enabling them to acquire the latest weapon.

It is fortunate that the internet search revealed an important in depth article by Paul Wolf written in 2003. The reality at that time is that Afghanistan has now experience over two decades of warfare with the majority of the population still illiterate, no telephone service and few paved roads, half the capital still in ruins and millions of land mines un accounted for. Vast areas of the country remain under the control of drug trafficking war lords now armed by American financed modern weapons. Those working in the drugs trade were then earning 100 times the salary of the police, the military and the university professors, although public salaries were frequently being defaulted.

One side note from the article is that it confirms the presentation in the film that Mr Wilson staffed his office with beautiful young women, who were known as Charlie's Angels. And that his home which rivalled Hugh Hefner for its hedonism.

One aspect which interested me is that he was and presumably still is an insomniac spending part of most nights reading, researching and thinking about issues which concerned him. Especially the writings of Winston Churchill a hero together with the one spitfire pilot over London at the time of the battle of Britain whose painting he hung over his bed since childhood.. There is no doubt from this article that throughout the Arab world Wilson is regarded as the man who enabled the Afghans to defeat the Communist infidels by providing the weapons. However once this battle was over and the west concentrated on the changing of Europe the hundreds of thousands of well armed afghan were left to revert to their tribal rivalries and criminal interests. This point needs to be underlined As relationships between Russia and the West changed it was a future Russian foreign Minister who warned that both countries needed to concentrate on stabilizing Afghanistan to prevent radical Islamic elements from taking power and it was to Wilson that this message was given. It is not clear from the article how the message was received and how effective he was in ensuring that the administration listened and then took appropriate action.

It is alleged that most of the Iraq weapons acquired after the first gulf war found their way to the Mujahedeen. It could be argued that no one could have predicted that the break up of the soviet union and the arming of the Mujahedeen would become the catalyst for awakening the dormant dreams and visions of fundamentalist Islam or that individuals who had fought for USA interests would then turn on the country. One consequence is that an estimated 30000 young Muslims came from all over the world to Afghanistan to be radicalised and trained for the jihad. The assumption was made by the CIA that once the money was cut off the new zeal would burn itself out, especially if internal conflicts and rivalries consumed their energies and their lives.

The film was enjoyable and at times very funny and some prior knowledge helped but through I had the sense that the way to hell is paved with good intentions and that while there are times in war and rapid change when one type of leadership is required.

However another is necessary to ensure the peace. Unfortunately this did not come from the USA or the West, instead one of the Saudi princes, and head of the country's intelligence arranged for a twenty three year old to set up operations, visiting the country in 1980, established a base in Pakistan from which with family funds, the Saudi government and other wealthy backers he carved out tunnel cave complexes to provide an infrastructure for the Mujahedeen. He departed in 1990 disillusioned at the warring factions returned to work in the family business in Saudi Arabia. He continued to take an interest in the welfare of the Arab fighters who and joined the Mujahedeen formed an organisation to give the support, estimated at 350000, which was called, the base, Al Qaeda. Instead of just providing veteran benefits it became the Means for commencing a global jihad.

In fairness it was also in 1990 that strong elements in Russia and the USA became concerned about the uncontrollable monster they had been created in Afghanistan and attempts were made to establish peace plan which the major powers, Iran, Pakistan and the Afghanistan government agreed but it was too late as the plan was rejected by the fundamentalist parties of the Mujahedeen. While the world concentrated on the break up of the soviet union Afghanistan reverted to medieval chaos with the economy based on providing 70% the world's heroin requirement.

It was around 1974 that the Taliban developed as a reaction and quickly became the dominant force fuelled by thousands of volunteers filtered by the religious schools in Pakistan and at one point their forces totalled twenty thousand against government forces of twelve and by 1998 they controlled sufficient of the country including its capital and imposed the system which banned television and music, required women to remain illiterate and stay at home looking after the rest of their families and a system of justice in which ears, hands or heads chopped off depending on the crime and with stoning for adultery. By 2001 the Taliban controlled 90% of Afghanistan.

Omar bin laden having returned to Saudi Arabia in 1990 moved to the Sudan in 1992 opposed to the decision of the his government to agree to the US involvement to free Kuwait from Iraq. There rather than in Afghanistan he built up his organisation for global Jihad and his inspired acts of violent outrage commenced resulting in the Saudi's recognising the potential damage to their own position and standing, revoked his citizenship. He was also asked to leave the Sudan he therefore returned to Afghanistan and to the cave complexes he had established. When the CIA identified Bin Laden behind the attacks on the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 they launched 72 cruise missiles on his known bases. The failure of this attack resulted in in laden joining forces with the Taliban our of mutual self interest. The Taliban needed Bin Laden's international connections while Bin Laden was able to make use of the religious schools in Pakistan for new recruits. Then in September 2001 two events r=rmaatically affected the future of Afghanistan. With the assistance of Bin laden the main opposition leader to the Taliban in Afghanistan was mortally wounded on September 10th and the following day the attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trades Centre and the Pentagon set in motion their downfall. Although as events were to prove after the article written in 2003, the majority retreated to the hills and to Pakistan where they waited for their opportunity to practice what they preached as did Bin Laden.

It is possible to argue that without the removal of the Russians from Afghanistan, the nature of their dictatorship of the towns would have prevented the Taliban from gaining control and providing refuge for Bun Laden to operate. It is also possible to argue that the causes of subsequently events had their roots in the west approach to the Arab world, the way the state of Israel was created, the western attitude towards heroin and other drug use which as was covered when reviewing Tai Pan has been a traditional means for developing trade. It also helps to put into perspective the claim that with the help of one CIA operative Charlie Wilson was able to raise the funds and secure the weapons to force the Russians to Afghanistan. It struck me that given that the Afghanistan operation was covert and the largest of its kind in US history, it is difficult to believe that one individual could have such power independent of the national administration. It is convenient for this to appear to have been so and the evidence made available suggests that it was so.

I have mentioned before that during my year at Birmingham University I med a young academic from Afghanistan sharing a lunch table one Sunday and that he gave me his card for further contact which never came to pass. I have always wondered what happened to him, as the fate of the people in his country became known.

Keegan euphoria on Tyneside continued, hyped up by the media and painting a one sided picture of the local response which attracted a counter reaction on the evening radio phone in. The televised game against Bolton on Saturday should help to sustain the initial momentum and the press conference tomorrow afternoon could provide an indication as to the composition of his managerial team.

I was a little upset more than alarmed as this morning I appeared to be developing another cold after what had been an early night and early getting up, to bed by 11 pm and rising between 3 and 4 am. I had a hot cereal around 5 am and two slices of cheese on toast around 8 with kippers for lunch at midday with a banana and some grapes, and water. I then went to bed around 1.30pm sleeping through until after 4.30.. I watched the Big Brother House programmes before 9 followed by the next Lost and this evening the new series of American Idol, the new series of Trial and Retribution, Question Time and the political programme This Week. I did not feel very hungry this evening so had the two salmon fish cakes and more water and grapes. It is bed time at 1.20 am and the cold did not break. I have not made progress on the Work, housework or the in tray.

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