Monday, 6 April 2009

Arsenal Stadium Murders and Ladyhawke

So to day was destined to be anti climax especially after getting up with the dawn and making ready for the new cooker and then the phone call calling it off, so I spent the day with rubbish TV as a consolation and over eating and drinking, mostly water though as this morning I had two bacon rolls in baked onion and cheese topped rolls, and this afternoon half a piece of gammon joint £1.25p worth with potatoes and corn and a deep sleep in between the most awful film about sport and football ever called The Arsenal Stadium Murders made in 1940's although the film had a significance for me because it was as I remembered going to the ground in the late 1940's with the uncovered standing terraces at either end when I stood with an uncle to watch Stanley Matthews in a 4.4 draw, which then reminded of the day I watched Sir Donald Bradman come to the wicket and return being out first ball in his last innings in his last Test match in England. With regard to the film which featured a special charity match between the Gunners now called the Gooners and an ammeter team one of whom dies poisoned on the pitch it should be compulsory viewing for all professional footballers and their wives as to why they should thank their talent and lucky stars. . Several Arsenal stars played for the home side and Brentford players doubled for the amateurs on the pitch and this was the last arranged fixture before the outbreak of World War II. The investigating police inspector has a penchant for funny hats and for theatricals in which his colleagues dress up in tutus

After the sleep I watched a beautifully photographed medieval family fantasy Ladyhawke in which Michele Feiffer played the cursed love destined to be only a Hawk in the presence of her lover until the curse is lifted with the help of Matthew Brodericke and Leo Mckern. I had watched the film before and therefore that I was still full of sleep helped my anticlimactic recovery.

Followed by the discovery of another Dylan evening of homage to him and to folk music. Some I had seen before I am not sure about composite black and white film of thee Newport Folk Festival 1963 1966, which I viewed twice featuring the folk side (after the Jazz on a Summers Day film which I had seen in 1960 on the day after the end of the prison experience.

Among those appearing with Bob Dylan where I had been listening recently to a two disc set, so it was good to see and well has hear versions of` Blowing in the Wind, The Times they are a changing, Its all over now Baby Blue, Like a Rolling Stone Maggie's Farm some in the later programme on his first England visit, also Joan Baez with Peter? Yarrow doing a comic number and then being herself Oh my trials lord soon be over and that tingling excitement came back as it always does for voice which could make the phone book sound revelatory truths and Peter Paul and Mary (If I had a hammer, sung for hours walking from Liverpool to Hull) and Blowing in the wind and the times they are changing, the Blue Ridge Mountain Dancers which reminded me of Irish Dancing, Johnny Cash, Judy Collins, there is a time, Brownie McGhee and Sonny Terry, ( I woke up this morning) encountered on a day long river boat trip down the Thames to Margaret Buffy St Marie, (I have four of her DVD's because she is amazing and unrecognised I suspect because of her American Indian origin.
Donovan with his banned from BBC song, Howling Wolf and thirty to forty others Spider John Koeg I liked, and Mississippi John Hurt with Candy Man, the Staple Singers. The Freedom Singers. and in London on the recovery of his TV Madhouse programme appearance in the mid sixties ice bound London with an except from Acker Bilk having returned from the US with Stranger of Shore success, followed by Pete Seager, (Green Corn Eugene McCall who married Peggy Seager. With Odetta in Rome who is also in the later Newport film with a deep voice

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