9.am. There are those, and I am one of them, who believe that everything we do and say exists for eternity independently of our awareness but particularly with those directly involved in what we do and say, and that if we could build a super super analytical computer we could work out not just why we do and say what we do and say, but how what we do and say interacts with everyone and everything else, and therefore what consequences our words and behaviour have for others.
Last night I watched again the film, the Butterfly bffect which explores aspects of this theory rooted in the two fundamentalist theories of Freud that negative behaviour in adulthood is based on issues of sex and death or harm to others in childhood and rooted to our basic relationships with our parents, our brother and sisters, relations, teachers and friends of childhood.
9.15 For those unfamiliar, the traditional model is based on the understanding that all children raised in situations of a male and female parent whether these are biological or not develop their sexual identity through their relationships with their parents, relatives, siblings, friends and those who have influence in their childhood, such as priests and teachers. It is natural of every child to have sexual feelings, without necessarily being aware that they are feelings of such a nature in relation to parents, relatives, friends, etc and these are "normalised" if the interactions are "normal" but they become "abnormal," if the relationships are "abnormal" for the society in which the child grows up.
This aspect of society in which child grows up is important because from the needs and interests of the individual child if is normal, as it has been in some societies, for the child to experiment with peers, or to be "developed" through relationships with elders, or to have a Western concept male female role, or female male dominant role etc then the child will develop with a normal sexual identity which will not be a cause of problems for that individual in their sexual behaviour and relationships in adult life. In my day as a student it was the anthropological and sociological studies of Margaret Mead which governed my understanding of the norms of human behaviour within different societies.
9.25 I break off to check on my breakfast eggs, knowing that today there was water in the pan but I suspect that I have left them too long and they will be hard boiled. There are hard boiled but enjoyable. I will complete what I wish to say before cough mixture and tea.
9.35 If the childhood experience of developing sexuality is abnormal, then it will affect behaviour in adolescence and in subsequent relationships, whether such behaviour brings into conflict with society or not. There has been confusion in the media from time to time in believing that Freud and those who continue with his teaching, are talking in terms of physical sexuality in childhood or in arguing that children have the same awareness of their feelings as they will develop in adolescence and adulthood. Fortunately there has been progress in relation to social awareness of the risks all children may face from parents, relatives, friends, priests and teachers, who themselves were "abused" and who in the terms I have stated, did not have a "normal" sexual development of identity.
I had experience of working with a psychiatrist who used abreactive drug therapy, a form of LSD, to regress a troubled child, adolescent or adult, usually one who had become the subject of court proceedings after breaking some law, usually persistently, and where the court understood the background from social history reports, and did not wish to send to prison, but made psychiatric treatment a condition of a non custodial sentence. I had experience where the treatment worked with remarkable positive consequences in that not only did the law breaking stop, but the personality of the individual transformed. However where the subject, as one volunteered to explain to an audience of professionals had been sexual abused, became a prostitute, took drugs, had children who were taken into care for their protection and who commenced to shop lift leading to court appearances, while her law breaking had stopped, she had to come to terms with the life she had led, and the children with whom she had not been able to provide a "normal" upbringing for the society in which she lived. A second "however" is that I was never sure if the treatment worked because of the use of LSD, or because of the trust developed between the psychiatrist and the subject, so that when he played back tapes in which subjects described an event which appeared to be the cause of their behaviour, they accepted this and more importantly because they were convinced by him that they were the victims and not the perpetrators, as often perpetrators will convince their childhood victims to the contrary. These days psychiatrists are more likely to use hypnosis regression and in my main comments Dalibor has inserted an important audio interview with video background pictures in which a psychiatrist repeatedly found that his subjects regressed to previous reincarnations going back decades and centuries. What we do and who we do it with lives with us and them for eternity.
In the Butterfly Effect, the principal subjects were made to participate in a child porn film, portrayed in a way which is not indulgent or likely to have adverse effects from those intended, and the film follows several variation of likely consequences for everyone involved, the children, the perpetrator, parents and others who are involved as a consequence.
The second Freudian fundamental is that in the "normal" development of children in their normal social environment it is "normal to develop negative, angry, hostile feelings towards parents and siblings and others such as childhood friends, influential teachers and priests and to sometimes wish for their deaths and sometimes to try and cause them harm to the extent of causing their deaths. The extent to which these normal feelings are controlled, restrained and remain feelings, or develop into acts of violence, sometimes with devastating consequences, depends on the understanding and actions of the parents and siblings and others in specific situations. The use of abreactive drugs, hypnosis, and of psycho analysis has the same potential effectiveness with the same potential side effects.
In the Butterfly Effect the writers and directors cover several aspects of violence in childhood, leading to immediately and subsequently to deaths, or mutilations involving children, adults and an animal.
In the film which appears to combine one aspect of Chaos theory with fundamental Freudism, the central character is able to go back and intervene at points which he believes will undo the subsequent harm, only to find out that the side effects are of equal or more significant devastation in relation to himself or to others, Being Hollywood and not wanting theatre goers or viewers to immediately commit suicide or eliminate parent or other primary cause, his last intervention is effective, but alas not in the way in which he had wanted. I am reminded of words in that great play by T S Elliot, to the effect, I can help get you to where you are not, but it will be different from what you anticipate.
It was a good thought provoking way to almost end my night, but being thought provoked I was not sleepy and watched another hour of the Big Brother House. Both the two new arrival men, who I instantly disliked, now show themselves to be intelligent men of honesty, openness and depth, but whether they have a positive effect on the silly girls, remains to be established as significantly they were recorded talking with the older members of the house, I enjoyed two great comments from one of the senior women who explained to the first male that while he was right that the young woman who he had taken to his bed was the brightest of the young groups at 19 years she was behaving more like a 14 year old because of the influence of her peers. She also pointedly drew attention that the evicted Emily was another in theory, adult, who behaved as an adolescent, and that the responsibility for her behaviour lay with her parents in the first instance. They had no opportunity to defend their position, but it was a general point well made.
The classic comment of the night was from the young woman Ziggy has taken to his bed. She admitted she had never had to make her own bed, having made a mess of the first and only previous attempt. Of all the moans which the media and politicians make about the young I now add, that we have created the generation who cannot make their own beds, let alone lie in them.
Jess....very informative and entertaining blog. It is so obvious what an intelligent woman you are. Your intellect and poetic voice have a positive influence on this "PEER". As always...I love reading all of your material. So, finally boiled your eggs in water huh? lol
Posted by <> on 17:06 - 17:35
I saw the Butterfly Affect about two weeks ago, such an interesting movie. It's funny you would write about as I've been thinking about the movie and how Ashton K. would re-write parts of his life. I like the journey we are taken on in your writting as we tour your thoughts and move through time with you.I think what happens to children within their perception on their family structure does affect all aspects of life as adults. Some are "normal" or what society decides is normal. The movie Running with Scissors is also very interesting movie touching on things that take place in childhood, family, parents and early relationships.
Posted by ~ Z ~ on 05:06 - 05:08
Last night I watched again the film, the Butterfly bffect which explores aspects of this theory rooted in the two fundamentalist theories of Freud that negative behaviour in adulthood is based on issues of sex and death or harm to others in childhood and rooted to our basic relationships with our parents, our brother and sisters, relations, teachers and friends of childhood.
9.15 For those unfamiliar, the traditional model is based on the understanding that all children raised in situations of a male and female parent whether these are biological or not develop their sexual identity through their relationships with their parents, relatives, siblings, friends and those who have influence in their childhood, such as priests and teachers. It is natural of every child to have sexual feelings, without necessarily being aware that they are feelings of such a nature in relation to parents, relatives, friends, etc and these are "normalised" if the interactions are "normal" but they become "abnormal," if the relationships are "abnormal" for the society in which the child grows up.
This aspect of society in which child grows up is important because from the needs and interests of the individual child if is normal, as it has been in some societies, for the child to experiment with peers, or to be "developed" through relationships with elders, or to have a Western concept male female role, or female male dominant role etc then the child will develop with a normal sexual identity which will not be a cause of problems for that individual in their sexual behaviour and relationships in adult life. In my day as a student it was the anthropological and sociological studies of Margaret Mead which governed my understanding of the norms of human behaviour within different societies.
9.25 I break off to check on my breakfast eggs, knowing that today there was water in the pan but I suspect that I have left them too long and they will be hard boiled. There are hard boiled but enjoyable. I will complete what I wish to say before cough mixture and tea.
9.35 If the childhood experience of developing sexuality is abnormal, then it will affect behaviour in adolescence and in subsequent relationships, whether such behaviour brings into conflict with society or not. There has been confusion in the media from time to time in believing that Freud and those who continue with his teaching, are talking in terms of physical sexuality in childhood or in arguing that children have the same awareness of their feelings as they will develop in adolescence and adulthood. Fortunately there has been progress in relation to social awareness of the risks all children may face from parents, relatives, friends, priests and teachers, who themselves were "abused" and who in the terms I have stated, did not have a "normal" sexual development of identity.
I had experience of working with a psychiatrist who used abreactive drug therapy, a form of LSD, to regress a troubled child, adolescent or adult, usually one who had become the subject of court proceedings after breaking some law, usually persistently, and where the court understood the background from social history reports, and did not wish to send to prison, but made psychiatric treatment a condition of a non custodial sentence. I had experience where the treatment worked with remarkable positive consequences in that not only did the law breaking stop, but the personality of the individual transformed. However where the subject, as one volunteered to explain to an audience of professionals had been sexual abused, became a prostitute, took drugs, had children who were taken into care for their protection and who commenced to shop lift leading to court appearances, while her law breaking had stopped, she had to come to terms with the life she had led, and the children with whom she had not been able to provide a "normal" upbringing for the society in which she lived. A second "however" is that I was never sure if the treatment worked because of the use of LSD, or because of the trust developed between the psychiatrist and the subject, so that when he played back tapes in which subjects described an event which appeared to be the cause of their behaviour, they accepted this and more importantly because they were convinced by him that they were the victims and not the perpetrators, as often perpetrators will convince their childhood victims to the contrary. These days psychiatrists are more likely to use hypnosis regression and in my main comments Dalibor has inserted an important audio interview with video background pictures in which a psychiatrist repeatedly found that his subjects regressed to previous reincarnations going back decades and centuries. What we do and who we do it with lives with us and them for eternity.
In the Butterfly Effect, the principal subjects were made to participate in a child porn film, portrayed in a way which is not indulgent or likely to have adverse effects from those intended, and the film follows several variation of likely consequences for everyone involved, the children, the perpetrator, parents and others who are involved as a consequence.
The second Freudian fundamental is that in the "normal" development of children in their normal social environment it is "normal to develop negative, angry, hostile feelings towards parents and siblings and others such as childhood friends, influential teachers and priests and to sometimes wish for their deaths and sometimes to try and cause them harm to the extent of causing their deaths. The extent to which these normal feelings are controlled, restrained and remain feelings, or develop into acts of violence, sometimes with devastating consequences, depends on the understanding and actions of the parents and siblings and others in specific situations. The use of abreactive drugs, hypnosis, and of psycho analysis has the same potential effectiveness with the same potential side effects.
In the Butterfly Effect the writers and directors cover several aspects of violence in childhood, leading to immediately and subsequently to deaths, or mutilations involving children, adults and an animal.
In the film which appears to combine one aspect of Chaos theory with fundamental Freudism, the central character is able to go back and intervene at points which he believes will undo the subsequent harm, only to find out that the side effects are of equal or more significant devastation in relation to himself or to others, Being Hollywood and not wanting theatre goers or viewers to immediately commit suicide or eliminate parent or other primary cause, his last intervention is effective, but alas not in the way in which he had wanted. I am reminded of words in that great play by T S Elliot, to the effect, I can help get you to where you are not, but it will be different from what you anticipate.
It was a good thought provoking way to almost end my night, but being thought provoked I was not sleepy and watched another hour of the Big Brother House. Both the two new arrival men, who I instantly disliked, now show themselves to be intelligent men of honesty, openness and depth, but whether they have a positive effect on the silly girls, remains to be established as significantly they were recorded talking with the older members of the house, I enjoyed two great comments from one of the senior women who explained to the first male that while he was right that the young woman who he had taken to his bed was the brightest of the young groups at 19 years she was behaving more like a 14 year old because of the influence of her peers. She also pointedly drew attention that the evicted Emily was another in theory, adult, who behaved as an adolescent, and that the responsibility for her behaviour lay with her parents in the first instance. They had no opportunity to defend their position, but it was a general point well made.
The classic comment of the night was from the young woman Ziggy has taken to his bed. She admitted she had never had to make her own bed, having made a mess of the first and only previous attempt. Of all the moans which the media and politicians make about the young I now add, that we have created the generation who cannot make their own beds, let alone lie in them.
Jess....very informative and entertaining blog. It is so obvious what an intelligent woman you are. Your intellect and poetic voice have a positive influence on this "PEER". As always...I love reading all of your material. So, finally boiled your eggs in water huh? lol
Posted by <
I saw the Butterfly Affect about two weeks ago, such an interesting movie. It's funny you would write about as I've been thinking about the movie and how Ashton K. would re-write parts of his life. I like the journey we are taken on in your writting as we tour your thoughts and move through time with you.I think what happens to children within their perception on their family structure does affect all aspects of life as adults. Some are "normal" or what society decides is normal. The movie Running with Scissors is also very interesting movie touching on things that take place in childhood, family, parents and early relationships.
Posted by ~ Z ~ on 05:06 - 05:08
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